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The objects in the window were all spray painted blue and hung with fishing line. Careful placement of the objects in the window create the effect of the rectangle on the back wall. As the viewer moves around the window there is a understanding a depth and space.

The letters used to spell out the name were cut from thin plywood on a laser cutter. They were then painted white and attached to a strip of wood in order to keep them in place and to hang them.

Sketchup designs show the initial idea in a 3D space. From this document I was able to get a better understanding of the layout of the interior of the window. I was also able to get a better understanding of the size of the blue rectangle and troubleshoot using vinyl as a outline on the front of the window. 

Intalled at the Trafalgar campus of Sheridan College this window was completed during my final year in the Visual Merchandising Arts program. The purpose of this project 

was to create a window display that represented my own brand idenity.





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